Friday, October 18, 2024

Monthly Archives: July, 2023

Decrease in birth rates in Germany: lowest level since 2013

Last year, exactly 738,819 children were born in Germany. That is significantly less than in 2021 and the lowest level since 2013. And there...

Emails Of the US ambassador in Beijing are said to have been hacked

According to US media, Chinese hackers have broken into the US ambassador's email account in Beijing. However, they are said not to have captured...

Journalist leaders and senior journalists rejected the PEMRA amendment bill

Islamabad: Journalist leaders and senior journalists have rejected the PEMRA Amendment Bill.

81,000 children hospitalized for mental illness

When children and adolescents are admitted to clinics, it is more and more often due to mental illnesses. A quarter of the young clinic...

Who is responsible for safety in Pools in Germany?

CDU leader Merz considers more police in outdoor pools to be inevitable, but the police union rejects this. Who is responsible for safety in...

Childcare Options in Germany are Insufficient

The number of children taken care of in day-care centers has reached a new high. But the need for childcare places continues to exceed...

Euthanasia Draft Legislation in Germany: “What if I can’t take it anymore?”

The Bundestag has rejected the draft legislation on euthanasia. The situation therefore remains unchanged for those who wish to die. How do those affected...

Six dead after knife attack on kindergarten in China

Six people were killed and another injured in a knife attack at a kindergarten in southeast China. Among the victims are educators, parents, and...

Israel: Parliament approves part of judicial reform

Despite resistance, Israel's government is pushing ahead with its plans to restructure the judicial system. A controversial bill passed the first reading in Parliament....

Police report 125 criminal charges after the Eritrea Festival in Gießen

26 injured police officers, 131 people temporarily in custody, 125 criminal charges: That is the balance of the police after the riots on Saturday...

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