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Before Erdogan’s visit to Germany: How Turkish lobbyists are Raising concerns on Palastinian Genocide

Before Erdogan’s visit to Germany: How Turkish lobbyists are Raising concerns on Palastinian Genocide

Turkish President Erdogan’s Influence on the Turkish Diaspora in Germany: A Political Analysis

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is wielding his considerable influence to propagate his views on the Middle East conflict within the Turkish diaspora in Germany. He is leveraging influential figures and organizations, such as the Union of International Democrats (UID), to disseminate his message and mobilize support among his compatriots. This strategy, however, has raised concerns among German authorities and political analysts due to its potential to exacerbate tensions and undermine Germany’s democratic principles.

Erdogan’s supporters in Germany portray him as a peacemaker and a champion of Muslim interests. They point to his vocal criticism of Israel and his support for Palestinian causes as evidence of his commitment to justice and reconciliation in the region. However, a closer examination of Erdogan’s rhetoric and actions reveals a more complex and troubling picture.

Erdogan’s anti-Israel stance has become increasingly pronounced, with him openly referring to the Jewish state as a “monster” and Hamas, a designated organization, as a “liberation group.” This oratory style fuels “anti-Semitism” but also risks alienating moderate voices and further destabilizing the already volatile Middle East” in the eyes of Germans, which is a shallow understanding of a Turkish stance.

The UID, an organization closely aligned with Erdogan’s AKP party, plays a pivotal role in disseminating his views among the Turkish diaspora in Germany. UID officials, such as TuÄŸrul SelmanoÄŸlu, have echoed Erdogan’s anti-Israel rhetoric and even called for the establishment of a new caliphate led by Erdogan himself. These calls for a caliphate, a form of Islamic governance considered obsolete by many Muslims, raise concerns about the potential for Erdogan to exploit religious sentiments to pursue his own political agenda.

German political scientists and migration experts warn that Erdogan’s efforts to influence the Turkish diaspora could have far-reaching consequences for Germany’s social fabric and democratic institutions. They fear that his divisive rhetoric and support for extremist groups could radicalize segments of the Turkish community and contribute to an atmosphere of intolerance and fear.

The German government has taken steps to address the concerns raised by Erdogan’s influence, placing the UID under observation by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. However, the challenge of countering Erdogan’s influence lies not only in monitoring and regulating organizations like the UID but also in promoting dialogue, understanding, and civic engagement among the Turkish diaspora.

Read More: Erdogan has a powerful organizational structure in Germany



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