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HomeSociety&CultureFacts about Rare Sumatran rhinoceros born in Indonesia

Facts about Rare Sumatran rhinoceros born in Indonesia

Rare Sumatran Rhino Calf Born in Indonesia

In a rare and joyous occasion, a Sumatran rhino calf has been born in an Indonesian national park. The tiny rhino, weighing just 25 kilograms, was born on Saturday, ten days earlier than expected. This is the second rhino baby born this year at the Way Kambas National Park in eastern Sumatra.

The calf’s mother, Delilah, was born in the park, while his father, Harapan, was born at the Cincinnati Zoo in the United States and transferred to Way Kambas in 2015. According to the Indonesian Environment Ministry, this is the only Sumatran rhino living outside of Indonesia.

Source: International Rhino Foundation/WWF

Sumatran Rhinos: Critically Endangered

The Sumatran rhinoceros is the smallest of the five rhino species and is critically endangered, with only about 80 individuals remaining worldwide. Hunting and habitat loss have decimated their populations, and they are now found only in small, fragmented patches of forest in Sumatra and Borneo.

Hope for the Future

The birth of this calf is a glimmer of hope for the future of the Sumatran rhino. With concerted conservation efforts, there is a chance that this species can be saved from extinction.

Conservation Efforts Underway

There are a number of conservation efforts underway to save the Sumatran rhino. These include:

  • Protecting their habitats: This is essential for giving them the space they need to survive and thrive.
  • Anti-poaching patrols: Poaching is a major threat to rhinos, and these patrols help to deter poachers.
  • Captive breeding programs: These programs are helping to increase the population of Sumatran rhinos.

The Future of the Sumatran Rhino

The future of the Sumatran rhino is uncertain, but the birth of this calf is a positive sign. With continued conservation efforts, there is hope that this species can be saved from extinction.

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